Dogs are a dime a dozen. Hey! Some even cheaper! Look! Look over there, that one looks like a keeper!
One year later and she’s pregnant again? Off to the shelter, time for a new “friend”!
How many times do I have to tell you not to pee in the house? I was here 8 hours ago and let you out!
Into the yard you have to go, I’ll chain you to this tree, here’s a blanket for the snow.
Hungry again? Damn do you have WORMS? I told you to make it last but you just don’t learn!
I just bought you a collar and you’ve already outgrown it? It grew into your neck, stupid dog! I should’ve known it! I can’t afford to keep dumping money into you, I have a wife you know, and 3 kids too! You’re nothing but trouble,
I don’t want to deal with it anymore, so out of my yard and out the door! To the shelter with you too, I just don’t know what else to do! You’ll find a good home, I know you will, someone else to deal with you and pay the bill.
That’s what I’ll tell myself when you pop in my head." You’re too cute to wind up dead!"
I will never see the reality, all the lives lost because of me, and my irresponsibility.

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